The Scientific and Technical Center, within the framework of the "Roadmap" for the implementation in 2019-2021 of the Concept of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, considered the problem of environmental conservation associated with an increase in the number of cars, in particular, the issue of recycling and recycling of automobile tires. Car tires that have served their time with uncontrolled disposal cause great harm to the environment. Various effective methods and methods of tire recycling were analyzed. STC has developed a project for the disposal of automobile tires and rubber products using Russian technological equipment that fully complies with the environmental standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result of this project, the plant receives a new material - rubber crumb and rubber powder, which is successfully used in various areas of the economy, bringing economic and environmental benefits to the state. The launch of this project is scheduled for early October 2020.

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